So Long Summer Sampling, Hello Autumn Analysis
It's official - we've finished our fieldwork for the season. Fourteen intertidal communities, 2100 km (1300 miles), four months,...
Tidepool water sampling extravaganza!
Tomorrow, I start my last water sampling on this trip… By the time we leave Oregon I will have collected 600 lbs of water over the last...
In case you missed it!
Check out this awesome article by Uproxx about our research road trip!
Meet Becky
Fieldwork wouldn't be complete without a home, lab, and sweet ride all in one. Meet Becky - our epic camper van for the summer. As a 2002...
Working in our National Marine Sanctuaries
On our research road trip we are really excited to #GetIntoYourSanctuary at 3 different National Marine Sanctuaries along the US west...
Welcome to the intertidal
The intertidal is a unique ecosystem - it's where the land meets the sea and because of that experiences both terrestrial and marine...